Hi Tarun,

        I havent installed WMaker on CygWin, so wont comment on that. You 
should've attached a more descriptive log though.

1. Cygwin install asks you for install for 'All Users'/ only 
Administrator. That icon is typically in 
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu (or similar)

2. 'Some of the commands?' Only those packages which you selected have 
been installed. Install the needed ones. Here is a output from my term:
[ H -dash- G On yamuna ~] which more
[ H -dash- G On yamuna ~] rpm -qf /bin/more

These are the cygwin packages you'd need.



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On Thu, 6 May 2004, Tarun Sharma wrote:

> Date: Thu, 6 May 2004 01:56:17 +0200
> From: Tarun Sharma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [SPAM] problems with cygwin
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> Hi
> I have just installed cygwin on my Win XP system. But when I try to start
> windowmaker then it justs says cant start x-server at . I
> tried few more things but couldnt succeed.
> Ihe porblem I am thinking is related to some configuration. I also tried to
> run XWin. which is running.And xterm can be connected to this.
> Can anybody help me in this problem.
> Some other question I want to ask is :
> 1. Can we have different users for cygwin. Because it just added one icon in
> start menu by which I can just run cygwin's bash shell.
> 2. Some of the commands like more is not working on my system. I tried to
> search it in /usr/bin but its not there.
> Please update me about these problems
> regards
> -tarun
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