Maybe you are missing a \] in the prompt. What you really want is something like this: "\[\e]0;\w\a\e[01;33m\]C09-272-A:\[\e[0m\]"
(What are \w and \a doing? man bash says that they should be the current working directory and a bell, but they don't act like that in this prompt for me.) -----Original Message----- From: Andrew DeFaria Sent: Thursday, April 29, 2004 1:18 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: Line breaks in bash When I type a long line in the bash shell it seems to get confused when it passes the first 80 character barrier and does a newline. Below is an example. C09-272-A:# why is it in bash that when I get close to typing 80 characters bash does som ething like this? Now set my prompt to the hostname as "\[\e]0;\w\a\e[01;33mC09-272-A:\e[0m". Could this be causing the problem? -- Unsubscribe info: Problem reports: Documentation: FAQ: