Hallo Ricardo,

Am Mittwoch, 28. April 2004 um 17:46 schriebst du:

> hallo Leute,

> As joe-3.0 (http://sourceforge.net/projects/joe-editor) just happens to
> have hit the streets and being a very popular editor (along with vi(m) and
> emacs)... do you think it would be a good idea to have it included in the
> cygwin distro?

> I've downloaded the sources and patched it to be cygwin-enabled (really
> simple, just two little changes in tty.c and Makefile to use GNU iconv)
> and have been trying it for two days, and it seems to work alright. (If
> anybody's interested in testing it, I've put the patched sources in
> http://phobeo.com/projects/cygwin/)

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