
On Tuesday, April 27, 2004, at 05:55PM, Dave Korn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


>  For debugging it, you might be able to get something useful like this:
>> COMPONENT_NAME = $(shell basename `pwd | tee i-was-here-.txt`)

While trying to change our Makefiles the way you suggested,
I staggered over a bigger problem, which I tried to isolate
and make reproducable.

The problem that occurs is that when reading lines over a pipe
and do something with them, zsh stops after some lines and
just hangs, while bash works w/o any problems.

The following script creates a primitive directory-tree structure
with a Makefile in every directory.

# Usage: $0 <prefix> <remaining_depth> <splittingFactor>

if [ $# != 3 ] ;then
   echo "Usage: <prefix> <remaining_depth> <splittingFactor>"
   exit 1


while [ $n -lt $3 ] ;do
   echo "Creating $1/$n"
   mkdir $1/$n
   echo "Hello" >$1/$n/Makefile
   if [ $2 -gt 1 ] ;then
      $0 $1/$n $[$2-1] $3

Invoke like this:
mkdir tree
./createTree.sh tree 3 3

Now, I execute this command:

find tree -name Makefile | while read line ;do
echo $line
cp $line $line.1

When running this under zsh, it treats between 8 and 20 Makefiles and
then just hangs. (and I have to 'kill -9' the shell) Running it under
bash works just fine. (or try other "4 4" instead of "3 3" when creating
the tree-structure if by chance it treats all 27 Makefiles)

I think this shows the fundamental problem of my make-problems as well.
As long as this doesn't work, I don't even have to bother with make.

Can anyone reproduce this behaviour? I'm using the latest of the greatest
of cygwin on a Win2k machine.



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