--- Dave Yost wrote:
> Thanks for cygpath and whaterver you do for cygwin!


While I have submitted a couple patches to cygpath, a lot of people have put
work into it and I certainly can't take credit for the whole thing! Several
of these people and other knowledgable cygwin users are on the Cygwin list,
so it would be better to keep questions on the list.

> I have a small problem.
> I have a path ../foo:../bar
> When I use the --path argument, cygpath insists on converting the relative
> paths into absolute paths.  I wish it wouldn't do that.  But I can understand
> the need for backward compatibility, so could I request a --relative option?

You might use a simple sed script to take out what you don't need.

> Also:
> I have this nasty problem with the Sun 1.4.x JDK (fixed in 1.5.0-beta1).  I
> pass in a classpath argument like this:
> javac -classpath `cygpath -w /usr/local/jdk/lib/tools.jar` X.java
> Problem is, /usr/local/jdk is a cygwin symlink, and the java runtime
> apparently can't follow symbolic links or shortcuts.

I don't use Java with cygwin, so maybe someone else on the list will have 
some ideas for this issue.

> It would be cool if cygpath had an option to resolve any symlinks and
> shortcuts in the path.

Yes, it would. Patches thankfully accepted. :)

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