On Thu, 8 Apr 2004, Christopher Spears wrote:

> I've been writing some csh scripts with cygwin and
> encountering a lot of problems.  I will admit that I
> am just learning, but I copied the scripts directly
> from the book!  I checked out the FAQ, and I am
> wondering if the reason why the scripts are not
> working are that they are being interpreted by bash
> not tcsh.  Is this possible?  Here is an example.  My
> script is:
> #csh that gives system status
> set d = `date`
> echo "Today's date: $d[2-3] $d[6]"
> echo "Current time: $d[4]"
> echo Number of users: `who | wc -l`
> echo Current disk storage: ` du -s .`
> Here is the response:
> Today's date: [2-3] [6]
> Current time: [4]
> Number of users: 0
> Current disk storage: 7 .
> Originally, the . was a ~ but that wasn't working
> because for some reason cygwin wasn't recognizing it.
> Using the FAQ for advice, I replaced ~ with $HOME
> which caused problems because my home directory is
> /home/Christopher Spears, which confuses bash, so I
> used ..  Obviously, [2-3], [6], and [4] are not the
> answers I was looking for in my script.
> What irks my is that I did download tcsh!  Was there
> something else I should have downloaded if I want to
> write csh scripts?
> -Chris

How exactly did you invoke the script?  FYI, the following works for me
(starting from a bash prompt):

$ cat > test.csh
set d = `date`
echo "Today's date: $d[2-3] $d[6]"
echo "Current time: $d[4]"
echo Number of users: `who | wc -l`
echo Current disk storage: ` du -s .`
$ tcsh test.csh
Today's date: Apr 8 2004
Current time: 15:13:36
Number of users: 0
Current disk storage: 1 .


$ sed -i '1i#!/usr/bin/tcsh' test.csh
$ chmod a+x test.csh
$ ./test.csh
Today's date: Apr 8 2004
Current time: 15:23:11
Number of users: 0
Current disk storage: 1 .

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ZZZzz /,`.-'`'    -.  ;-;;,_            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
     |,4-  ) )-,_. ,\ (  `'-'           Igor Pechtchanski, Ph.D.
    '---''(_/--'  `-'\_) fL     a.k.a JaguaR-R-R-r-r-r-.-.-.  Meow!

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