At 12:58 PM 4/7/2004, you wrote:
>> >2.  Shouldn't cygwin use something like
>> $My_Documents
>> >as it's home?  This is mostly on a local drive for
>> all
>> >windows installs.
>> Cygwin uses for your home directory whatever Windows
>> says
>> is your home directory.   Cygwin gets this from
>> '/etc/passwd'.  
>> If you do a 'mkpasswd -d -u <your user name>',
>> you'll see 
>> what Cygwin will use as your home directory, as set
>> by the 
>> administrator of your domain.  If you don't want
>> that, use
>> the '-p' option.
>How exactly do I use the "-p" option?
>mkpasswd -p <my user name>

mkpasswd -l -d -u <your user name> -p <path to the parent directory of your 
user directory>

i.e. mkpasswd -l -d -u erik -p /home

>> >3.  Does cygwin not build a /home/$USERNAME
>> dir/path
>> >as part of it's install?  I did a complete install
>> and
>> >expected it.  Before I uninstalled my previous
>> cygwin
>> >install (which was installed a year ago) I did have
>> a
>> >/home/$USER dir and that is what I backed up.
>> I think you're looking for this explanation:
>> or see '/etc/profile'.  '/etc/profile' makes your
>> home
>> directory if it doesn't exist. 
>> >4.  If the answer to number 3 is No.  Can I just
>> >create a /home/$USER and copy my old /home/user
>> there?
>> Sure.  Copy it where you like and need it.  Make
>> Cygwin 
>> see it where ever you want if the one it gets from
>> Windows
>> isn't to your liking.
>Your comment "Make Cygwin see it where ever you want"
>is vague.  How do I do that?

Just make sure that the home directory in /etc/passwd is 
pointing to where you want it.  See above.

Larry Hall                    
RFK Partners, Inc.                      (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street                   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746                     

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