Sorry for the last message., I think I have figured out myself.

I've got the answer somewhere else..., --> each environmental variable can
be defined by user and therefore they will include and exclude some other
headers. <- This is what I'd already known before hitting these macros.

And these are what I found out after searching the google -> Like
WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN seems to exclude certain header files to reduce the
compilation time and therefore reduce the output file size. And I think the
macros like __i486__, __i586__, _M_IX86, _X86_ are machine dependent,
whether we have to predefine it in our code or we have to detect the machine
type by our code and pass the result to program header file produced by
ourself, or perhaps they are defined by the machine itself (i doubt it).
<<<Please someone stand up and give me a positive or negative answer... =.=

But now it turns up to another question,....
I tried to do something about the stripping a binary file.

I tried a assembler code "tiny.asm"

  ; tiny.asm
  BITS 32
  GLOBAL _start
  SECTION .text
                mov     eax, 1
                mov     ebx, 42
                int     0x80

and had the following commands. I got

$ nasm -f elf tiny.asm
$ ld -s tiny.o
ld: warning: cannot find entry symbol _mainCRTStartup; defaulting to

I understand this question was posted before but I searched previous
articles there was no asnwer to anybody who asked this question.

It seems to a bug for cygwin linker to act different from the UNIX ones.

However, I don't know how to attach a file in this mailing list, becuase all
the mails with attached file were disappeared (without a notice) from the
list. (I use outlook express, does it matter?)

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