At 06:26 AM 2/20/2004, [EMAIL PROTECTED] you wrote:
>I think this doc isn't enough to succesfully install Apache as service for new 
>users of cygwin as me :
>Installing Apache as a new Service 
>Use the following statement to install httpd.exe as a new service:
>  $ cygrunsrv -I service_name-p /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd.exe [-a arguments] \
>      [-e VAR=VALUE] [-t auto|manual] [-u user] [-w passwd]
>Where -a is used to pass command line arguments (such as -DFOO defines) to 
>httpd.exe, and -e is used to pass environment variables. If necessary you may 
>use the -t options to set the autostart configuration for the service. If you 
>want the new service to run under a different userid, you will have to supply 
>the -u and -w options.
>When i start apache as this : /usr/sbin/httpd.exe
>apache is running ok
>but when i install it as service with : cygrunsrv -I apache -p 
>and i try to start the service with :
>$ cygrunsrv -S apache
>i get :
>cygrunsrv: Error starting a service: QueryServiceStatus:  Win32 error 1062:
>Le service n'a pas été démarré.
>I think there is other thing to do but what ?

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Larry Hall                    
RFK Partners, Inc.                      (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
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