Hi Larry, 

OK if like that It will no use to discuss about this further. Better to
discuss about better cygwin/less bugs :) 
I will stop this thread. 


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Larry Hall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Tuesday, February 17, 2004 10:52 AM
> To: utomo; 'Cygwin List'
> Subject: RE: Cygwin Mailing list
> Hi Utomo,
> Actually, this and many other arguments have already been 
> made and refuted 
> in previous rounds of discussion on this subject.  I think 
> everyone here would appreciate it if you would review the old 
> threads so that you don't rehash the same issues.  What other 
> lists do is not important.  There's no benefit to adding tags 
> to the subject line.  It won't be done here.  If there's a 
> good reason for continuing this thread, I'm at a loss to see it.
> Larry

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