I just upgraded my cygwin installation, that is, invokded setup.exe,
went to a mirror site, and refreshed my existing applicatons. 

Now I'm having problems with cvs. 

1. When I invoke cvs (local), with "cvs co hibernate-vocabulary", I get:

cvs update: cannot open CVS/Entries for reading: No such file or
cvs update: nothing known about co
cvs update: nothing known about hibernate-vocabulary
cvs [update aborted]: cannot open CVS/Root: No such file or directory

Or, "cvs import -m "" foobar foobar foobar":

cvs update: cannot open CVS/Entries for reading: No such file or
cvs update: nothing known about import
cvs update: nothing known about -m
cvs update: nothing known about 
cvs update: nothing known about foobar
cvs [update aborted]: cannot open CVS/Root: No such file or directory

Or, from an existing working directory, invoking "cvs status build.xml":

cvs update: nothing known about status

I can't be absolutely sure that this is being caused by my cygwin
refresh. The only other thing that has changed this morning (last night
everything was file) is that Iinstalled a remote control problem called
"Radmin". Thinking that that also might be the cause, I uninstalled it
but I'm still having the problem.

I don't know how to determine what applications were actually updated
when I did my cygwin refresh. It couldn't have been more than a few. The
refresh took less than a minute and I didn't select any new programs for
download. I did see cygipc and inetutils flash by I think.

Does anyone that that this could be a cygwin issue, or, in general have
any suggestions?

Chuck Irvine


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