First, emacs:

On Tue, 3 Feb 2004, Thomas L Roche wrote:
>> [snip]
>> Note that I run emacs via

>> emacs --debug-init &

>> from bash in an xterm which I launch with

>> start XWin -multiwindow -clipboard -emulate3buttons

Igor Pechtchanski 02/04/2004 04:21:29 PM (rearranged)
> Not quite.  Judging from your cygcheck output, you use startxwin.bat.

Yes, quite :-) My startxwin.bat does

start XWin -multiwindow -clipboard -emulate3buttons

But I should probably not edit the default, and instead copy/mod my
own. Especially now that I know to _also_

>> [snip]
>> (Note that cygcheck shows

>>         d:\cygwin\bin
>>         d:\cygwin\usr\X11R6\bin

>> at the head of my PATH; those dirs don't exist, and they're not in my
>> windows path.)

> This (and the existence of CYGWIN_ROOT in your environment) is an
> artifact of using startxwin.bat. Unless you have a default directory
> for the Cygwin root, you can't use that file OOTB -- you'll have to
> edit it and replace "\cygwin" with the value of your Cygwin root (in
> your case, "d:\ProgramFiles\Cygwin".

Doh! Will do, thanks for the advice.

>> [snip]
>> However I'm also, again only since upgrading, having problems with
>> unzip, e.g.

>>>   inflating: 
>>>     735 [main] unzip 1820 cmalloc: cmalloc returned NULL
>>> error:  zipfile probably corrupt (segmentation violation)

>> which I get even unzip'ing a known-good file (i.e. one that I unzip'ed
>> successfully before upgrading from 1.5.5-1).

> Do you have a small testcase that would allow others to reproduce
> this? Perhaps a (small) sample .zip file?

Alas, no: the smallest I have is 1.3GB.

> I'd suspect the unzip issue has to do with the path length to the
> file. You can try confirming it by creating a file in a deeply
> nested directory, putting that one file in a .zip, and then trying
> to unzip it into some place even deeper in the directory hierarchy.

OK, will do.

>> [snip]
>> So it seems plausible that there is also a (base) cygwin problem, which
>> might be causing the emacs and unzip problems. Or that the emacs and
>> unzip problems are unrelated.

> They most likely are unrelated.

Hmm: note that

* both (emacs and unzip) problems occurred after upgrading cygwin.

Your response of "post hoc, non ergo propter hoc" is understandable :-)

* unzip appears to be unchanged: it reports its version as "UnZip 5.50
  of 17 February 2002" (guess I should look @ its cygwin changelog,

>>>   inflating: 
>>>     735 [main] unzip 1820 cmalloc: cmalloc returned NULL
>>> error:  zipfile probably corrupt (segmentation violation)

* doesn't "cmalloc returned NULL" sound pretty base-ic? I.e. like
  something happening underneath unzip?

* emacs is also (after upgrading) plagued by segfaults

But I will attempt to 

* test your path-length hypothesis, and acquire more data regarding it

* make a personal copy of startxwin.bat, and fix it

* get IBM to cough up the $ for a support contract :-)

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