
What is the exact message you get when you try to run Cygwin programs as
another user? Which exact programs fail? Do all the programs fail in the
same way?

Unfortunetly users that are not in the administrator group cannot even start
a bash. That's why I took an Administrative user to create the cygcheck output.
The bash appears very shortly as a frame and disappears immediately again.

BTW, it would have been more helpful to get a cygcheck output
as a user for whom Cygwin doesn't work... Also, check that all the
programs and the necessary DLLs are readable and executable by everyone
(instead of just you).

The initial permissions for cygwin related stuff were

  user: adminst
  group: mkgroup
  permissions: rwx for user and group only

However, I changed these to: chmod -R o+ rX after installation

'mkgroup'  is strange. It seems that I cannot synchronize with
our network databases. A mkgroup -u -d DOMAIN gives the
following two lines of output:

LookupAccountName (\\Host, Domain Admins) failed with error 1332
LookupAccountName (\\Host, Domain Users) failed with error 1332

I noticed you have "nontsec" set, so that might be
what's hiding your problem (all files look executable, but the actual ACLs
don't allow other users to access them, and you don't see that via "ls").

I changed to ntsec as well - but no difference.

On an unrelated note, it's usually not a good idea to have /cygdrive/* as
a target for a mount. If I understood correctly what you're trying to do,
simply connect to a network drive (using "net use", for example), and
assign the letter "W:" to it. Cygwin will automatically pick that up as

Ah, OK. It wasn't clear to me that cygwin automatically gathers all shared network drives.

You might also want to investigate the "(no)smbntsec"
option in the CYGWIN variable (see the User's Guide).

That's interesting, too. I haven't seen this one. But no change to my problem.


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