Thought this might interest some of the folks who frequent
this list... particularly those who have to support Cygwin
installations, and might now have to deal with a parallel
(conflicting?) install of SFU :-/



Microsoft Offers Linux-Interoperability Software For Free
Jan. 13, 2004

Microsoft has decided to drop the $99 licensing fee previously
required for its Services For Unix software and plans to make
a new version of the interoperability product available this
week at no cost on its Web site.


The three main components of SFU--Unix's Network File System
and Network Identity Service and Microsoft's Interix layer of
Posix APIs--have all been tuned for better performance, with
some commands running 50% faster, Oldroyd says. SFU 3.5 also
features first-time support for P-Threads (for Posix-compliant
multithreaded applications), a broader set of Posix APIs, and
updated utilities and libraries.

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