> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Arash Partow
> Hi,
> You gotta download the latest cygwin1.dll snapshot, that has 
> fixes for a lot of those threading problems. There are still 
> heaps of other problems but these things you are describing 
> have been previously encountered and resolved.
> http://cygwin.com/snapshots/cygwin1-20040103.dll.bz2
> Regards
> Arash Partow
> PS: I've tried your sample program and it seems to be working 
> without any problems.

  Thanks a bunch, Arash, that's fixed the problems at this end too; my test
prog now works fine and indeed so does the original, more complex,
application that I was initially having trouble with.

  I saw some of your posts in the archive on the subject of pthreads but I
couldn't get a coherent sense of how the work on it was progressing and
where it had got to stability-wise.  Your talk of 'heaps of other problems'
is a bit worrying... I guess I'll just have to keep a regular eye on the
list to see how it's going.  My hopeless wish-list entry of the day: a page
on the cygwin website that would summarize active areas of development and
known bugs or instabilities.  (Yep, I know nobody who's working on
development is likely to have the time for something like that....)


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