<http://cygwin.com/acronyms/#GPL>, and just plain old

You could also install the 'wtf' package and ask 'wtf is IANAL'.
P.S. Some of us are just humble cygwinners, you know, and have mail
clients that don't auto-wrap long lines... ;-)

On Thu, 11 Dec 2003 kevin.lawton<at>bt.com wrote:

> What's with all the 'ANAL' acronyms - 'IANAL' (maybe so) and
> 'YANALATEYHSMBSI' - and why would one need a lawyer because of them ?
> Okay, asking this might be just as 'off topic' in itself as using them
> is - but what the hell are you on about ?
> Some of us are just humble cygwinners, you know, and have not yet
> aspired to the dizzy heights of mind reading and acronym translation
> which you seem to require. I think I'll retire to the safety of Bochs
> for now. . .

> Kevin.
> | -----Original Message-----
> | From: cygwin-owner<at>cygwin.com
> | [mailto:cygwin-owner<at>cygwin.com]On Behalf Of Igor Pechtchanski
> | Sent: 11 December 2003 15:08
> | To: Hughes, Bill
> | Cc: cygwin<at>cygwin.com
> | Subject: RE: About Cygwin license
> |
> | On Thu, 11 Dec 2003, Hughes, Bill wrote:
> |
> | > Sent: 11 December 2003 14:28 From: Igor Pechtchanski
> | > > Common sense dictates that socket connections cannot be thought of as
> | > > "linking" (which is what the GPL covers).  After all, connecting with a
> | > > proprietary ssh client to a GPL'd ssh daemon on Linux doesn't make the
> | > > client GPL'd (AFAIK).  Now, if your program is actually linked to some of
> | > > PostgreSQL DLLs, that's a whole different story...
> | >
> | > Isn't PostgreSQL under a BSD license anyway so that wouldn't be a worry
> | > either...
> | > unless this is a Cygwin dll for PostgreSQL?
> |
> | With the disclaimer (which you snipped) that IANAL, and any
> | opinion you'll get is a personal one:
> | The GPL is viral, i.e., anything linked (even dynamically) to a GPL'd
> | library is itself GPL'd, *except* when the software so linked is
> | distributed under an open-source license.  Transitive linking is still
> | linking, AFAIK.  So, linking with cygwin1.dll doesn't make PostgreSQL
> | GPL'd, as BSD is an accepted open-source license.  But any proprietary
> | software linked to PostgreSQL (and, transitively, to
> | cygwin1.dll) *will*, IMO, become GPL'd.  Again, YANALATEYHSMBSI.
> | Please consult a lawyer.
> |       Igor

      |\      _,,,---,,_                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
ZZZzz /,`.-'`'    -.  ;-;;,_            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
     |,4-  ) )-,_. ,\ (  `'-'           Igor Pechtchanski, Ph.D.
    '---''(_/--'  `-'\_) fL     a.k.a JaguaR-R-R-r-r-r-.-.-.  Meow!

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