I recently tried out a couple of software packages -- SSH_CONFIGURATOR is one that sticks in my mind -- that are built with Cygwin. Their README documents said there wouldn't be a problem with a "properly installed" existing Cygwin. Well, there was a problem with
mine, which otherwise works just fine for me. Possibly they looked for cygwin1.dll in a specific place, possibly they tried to use PATH. I don't know. Anyway, they left me with multiple cygwin1.dll's so nothing worked at all until I tore them out by the roots.

OK, that may be the packagers problem, not ours. However, I'm wondering if we could make it easier? How about storing /HKLM/Cygnus Solutions/Cygwin/DLL_PATH="native:/path/to/cygwin1.dll and
/HKLM/Cygnus Solutions/Cygwin/DLL_VERSION="1.2.3"

And providing a simple C routine to return the critical information. I'm less sure about this piece -- most use things like InstallShield and I don't know how the scripting works there. Of course, if they simply looked at the mount point /HKLM/Cyg.../Cygwin/mounts_v2/bin, they could work it all out!!!

David A. Cobb, Software Engineer, Public Access Advocate
"By God's Grace, I am a Christian man; by my actions a great sinner." -- The Way of a 
Pilgrim: R.French, Tr.
Life is too short to tolerate crappy software!

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