Please send all Cygwin related email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and not to me
personally.  Thanks.

Also, please do not include plain text email addresses in the body of your
messages.  This is fruit for spam harvesters.

On Tue, 9 Dec 2003, Amit RATHEE wrote:

> Thanks for your Reply.Actually I tried to install cygwin on windows 2003 and
> tried to do remsh from a Unix host using Script to the Windows2003 server on
> which I have installed cygwin.It worked fine on windows 2000 server but it
> failed on windows2003 server giving an error message "Permission Denied" .I
> do not which permissions is it looking for?
> TIA for any help.
You insist on repeating only these few vague details over and over again.
You have never attached cygcheck output, or fomulated a problem report in
the manner requested by even after you
have been asked to do so by several people (Hint: Your subject line
should probably read something like "remsh: Permission Denied on Windows
2003".  As such, I don't know why I am still helping you, but...

Let me say this as clear as I know how.  I am not an expert in
this area, so this will be the end of my help to you.  If I give
misleading information, I hope some other kind soul will correct me.  If
you still have problems, please contact the list and provide all the
requested information.  Or, do not expect any further help.

Windows 2003 changed the default permissions given to the the local SYSTEM
account for security reasons.  In fact, some permissions necessary to
switch users are no longer allowed to be given to that account.  As
such, Cygwin services that switch users and used to run under that
account like inetd/cron/etc. do not work out of the box like they did on
previous OSes.

Ssh already has a work around using the ssh-host-config script.  The
details of which have been applied to cron, and are given in the message
URL I quoted below.  These solutions are currently being integrated into
the stock Cygwin release.

That said, if you apply the wisdom of the work around for cron (derived
for the one for sshd) to inetd, all should be well.  If you have tried
this and encountered problems, please describe *exactly* what you tried
and what happened, step by step.  If not, I can only assume that you want
someone else to solve your problem for you.  If that is the case, you
need to just sit and wait patiently.

I expected you would have gleamed this information by reading the messages
in that thread, and doing additional archive searches based on what you
learned.  Since you have not been able to gleam anything from the Cygwin
problems page, I guess I should not have expected that.

Good luck.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Brian Ford
> Sent: Monday, December 08, 2003 11:35 PM
> To: Amit RATHEE
> Cc: 'Cygwin List'
> Subject: RE: Cygwin on windows2003 Server
> On Mon, 8 Dec 2003, Amit RATHEE wrote:
> > I do Remsh on two different servers and the results are:
> >
> > 1)Windows 2000 server : Passed
> > 2)Windows 2003 server : Permission denied.
> >
> > All the things are similar in both the case.I am using 1005.5.0.0 as
> > "cygwin1.dll "
> >
> > Can anyone please help what to do?
> >
> I thought I did :).
> At the very least, a closer look at 1.) below is *still* in order.  You have
> not given any specific details about your problem, nor have you attached
> cygcheck.out as requested.
> 3.) is most likely still relevant too.  Please explain *exactly* what you
> tried from it and how.
> On Thu, 4 Dec 2003 16:07:35 -0600 (CST), Brian Ford wrote:
> > On Thu, 4 Dec 2003, Amit RATHEE wrote:
> >> HI I am still waiting for my answer.I saw people using Cygwin on
> >> Windows 2003 server.Can they help me.Thnaks lary for your help but
> >> when I tried to install and run cygwin on win2003 server it gave me
> >> an error "Access denied" on doin Remsh.
> >>
> >1.)
> >2.) /usr/share/doc/Cygwin/inetutils-1.3.2.README
> >3.)
> >
> >substitute inetd for cron in 3.  HTH
> >

Brian Ford
Senior Realtime Software Engineer
VITAL - Visual Simulation Systems
FlightSafety International
Phone: 314-551-8460
Fax:   314-551-8444

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