What is more : sometimes I get the same type of messages on
an Intel Xeon based system.

I think that I have a chance of 1 in 500 before I get the same
problem, and this is with a program which forks several
subprocesses and enters a loop with ticks of 1 s for waiting on
finished processes and launching another one.

I think it is more an error in the operating system, which may
get worse by running on AMD.



Christopher Faylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent by: 
12/09/2003 02:18 AM
Please respond to cygwin

        To:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        cc:     (bcc: Jurgen Defurne/BRG/CE/PHILIPS)
        Subject:        Re: Memory Management on AMD64 in 32-bit mode

On Mon, Dec 08, 2003 at 07:30:17PM -0500, Benson Margulies wrote:
>I happen to have access to a an AMD64 system running Windows. All the
>cygwin shells fail to fork with the following. I'd be willing to try
>coding and running a patch if the experts would care to offer an idea of
>what to try.

Sorry but this is not a "now try this" type of debugging activity.  It
would require quite a bit of effort to track this problem down.

As I've said before, it would require physical access to a 64 bit system.
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