My configure/make score is just barely above zero. I'd be sure it was all me if it was indeed zero - but not quite.

Latest attempt: rxvt-2.7.10
My file layout: ~/Build/rxvt/rxvt-2-7-10=untarred package; ~/Build/rxvt/i686-pc-cygwin=build directory
configure & make are run from outside the source tree - I know it sometimes matters.

Configure shows nothing exciting. [log attached]
Make gets into a loop in subdirectory W11 !  Unlimited recursive makes here.


David A. Cobb, Software Engineer, Public Access Advocate
"By God's Grace, I am a Christian man; by my actions a great sinner." -- The Way of a 
Pilgrim: R.French, Tr.
Life is too short to tolerate crappy software!

Attachment: make.log-clean.bz2
Description: Binary data

Attachment: configure.log-clean.bz2
Description: Binary data

Attachment: cygcheck-20031127.log.bz2
Description: Binary data

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