To what does the plus sign '+' refer at the end of the list of file permissions in a Cygwin directory listing (for example, -rw-rw-rw-+)? I'm unfamiliar with this permission since I've never seen it in either Solaris or Linux directory listings. Using bash or Windows Explorer, how do I enable or disable this file permission?
Once or twice, after having changed NTFS file permissions, I've seen the plus sign '+' disappear, but I don't know exactly how I did it, what permission(s) I changed, or how to repeat the process. Thanks, Derek ------------------------------------- Derek Mahar Software Developer Penson Financial Services Canada 360 St-Jacques St West, 12th Floor Montreal QC H2Y 1P5 514.841.9665 x212 Phone 514.841.9700 Fax ------------------------------------- -- Unsubscribe info: Problem reports: Documentation: FAQ: