On Fri, 2003-11-14 at 11:44, Anon Mouse wrote:
> Hello,
>   Couple of comments on the installer:
>   - Does it have to be non-resizable?  It's REALLY a
> pain to keep scrolling left-right-left-right in a
> 3-inch window

There's a snapshot that addresses that.

>   - Why isn't there an option to "get it all?"  It's
> REALLY a pain to have to select each and every package
> .. compounded by the fact that you can't read the
> entire package name without scrolling
> left-right-left-right all day

Click on the word 'default' to the right of the category 'all'.

>    Does the installer really have to be this
> difficult?

Yes. It's taken a lot of effort to make it this difficult.

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