Greg Matheson wrote:
On Tue, 21 Oct 2003, Andrew DeFaria wrote:

John K wrote:

I'm learning Cygwin and Perl. Perl is currently 5.8.0 under Windows 98. I have run setup today so I think everything is current.

$ perldoc CGI

results in a Windows pop which contains ...

PERL caused an invalid page fault in
module FCNTL.DLL at 017f:00b931b8.

I use Perl 5.8.0, DBI and CPAN on Cygwin. Never had any page faults. I suggest you think that the problem lies outside of this and that perhaps your Cygwin installation is a bit faulty.

Are you on Windows98?

Yes. FWIW these faults seem to occur much the same way on two different W98 installs (different hardware too).

I did try 5.8.1(?) but didn't get as far with perldoc or CPAN.

It seems like DBI and PgPP work (haven't failed on newbie testing - I am happy).

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