This post is about cygwins pthreads. people following this issue will know there have been some stability issues with cygwin's pthreads and since last week A LOT of them have been resolved. Yet as more of these problems are resolved more problems in the same area.
My issue is, I have compiled the dll from the snapshots (in debug mode), the dll I compiled is fine it does not crash the pthread test application I run, however when I re-compile the dll without debug on or if I use the pre-built snapshot dll cygwin1-20031028.dll.bz2 the pthread test application crashes (continually without fail!).
Can anyone tell me why such a thing would happen and what are the fundamental difference between debug mode of cygwin dll and release versions other than the obvious debug info and extra asserts that go into the dll ?
Also if possible could people download the ThreadTest source code and also download the latest cygwin dll snapshot and tell me if they see the test application crash or not, then if you know how to build cygwin also download the cygwin source and rebuild the dll with debug info and then see if it crashes, also rebuild it without debug info and see if it crashes or not.
Thread Test source: Snapshot dll : Cygwin source :
If a few people could try this out and give me their results, it would help understand what is going wrong with these 3 different builds. I hoping to resolve this issue with the help of the cygwin community before the next major release.
My current setup is win2k sp4, gcc 3.3.1 (cygming special)
Any help or advice would be very much appreciated.
PS: I have stack traces from GDB, but seeing as though it would be easier to see the problems for yourselves i haven't appended any, but in the off chance anyone would like stack traces and such please e-mail me and i will only be too happy to oblige.
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