
> procexp: display same fields as task manager and
>     -    see DLL's used and where loaded in memory for each program running
>     -   See all open handles and what they point to
>     -   See each thread, it's cpu time and what module it is executing 
>          in and it's call stack
>     -   see all cpu time accounted for (numbers add to 100% within small 
>         tolerance due to disparity of time of getting info during update
>     -   uses no cpu when minimized
>     -    can save process summary list and fields to file & alot more
> contig:   make any/all files contiguous (can be run as background batch job every few
>              hours on entire disk to keep disk defragmented)
> pagedfg:   defragment system files on boot
> regmon:   monitor registry accesses (with filtering)
> filemon:     does the same for file accesses
> tcpview:   shows all tcp connections listening or connected - optional 
> force handle closed
> tdimon:   monitor transport layer system calls
> dbgview:   view system debug calls
> pstools:   command line "ps utils" inspired from unix utils
> autoruns:   Show auto-start programs including new ones that msconfig 
> doesn't show
> winobj:   display windoes OS-internal object space.
> -------
> They are all from the author of the book "Inside Windows 2000".  He 
> really knows his
> stuff and his tools should be part of every engineers toolbox.
Nice overview. I have found some more nice tools like dependency walker or windows 
strace or windows kernel debugger listed with direct links on 


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