Thanks, I thought it may be something inherent. I can work around this limitation.
Jared -----Original Message----- From: Hannu E K Nevalainen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Tuesday, October 28, 2003 5:20 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: RE: bash /usr/bin/ls invalid argument > From: Jared Ingersoll > Sent: Monday, October 27, 2003 8:55 PM > I'm using bash 2.05b-16 on Win2K pro and I'm running into problems listing > directory contents with a wildcard. This particular directory has > over 8000 > files in it, most of which (99%) are files that start with > send.log.*. When > I issue the following commands, I get the same error: > > $ ls send.log.* > bash: /usr/bin/ls: Invalid argument For newbies: to get to grips about how this works "under the hood"; read up on how "Shell expansion" works in e.g. bash (i.e. search and read the "man" or "info" on bash) IIRC there was a recent thread (about environment variables and passing arguments to a windows-console program): There is a 32KB length limit on the command line. This is imposed on us by the underlying "OS" - i.e. not likely to change. To check how long your command line would be, try something like this: $ find -type f -name 'send.log.*' | ( read f; cc=-1; echo ""; while [ ! -z "$f" ];do cc=$(( 1 + $cc + $( echo "$f" | wc -c) )); echo -e "\e[F$cc\e[K";read f; done; echo -e "\e[F$cc chars" ) Remember to add the length of e.g. "ls -l " (note space). If this gives a number larger than... $ echo $(( ( 1 << 15 ) -1 )) 32767 ... then you're "outta luck". /Hannu E K Nevalainen, B.Sc. EE - 59?16.37'N, 17?12.60'E -- printf("Timezone: %s\n", (DST)?"UTC+02":"UTC+01"); -- --END OF MESSAGE-- -- Unsubscribe info: Problem reports: Documentation: FAQ: -- Unsubscribe info: Problem reports: Documentation: FAQ: