On Wed, Oct 22, 2003 at 04:21:43PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Sorry, lost the previous mail so can't continue the thread.
> I took a look at the sources as cgf suggested and
> have the following question:
> in fhandler_proc.cc revision 1.36,
> in function format_proc_partitions() :
> after getting the drive geometry with
> the size of the disk is calculated in bytes and this number is
> right-shifted 6 bits, so that's a division by 64 and that maps
> with the scaling difference of 16 between df and /proc/partitions.
> likewise after getting the drive's partition layout with
> the length of each parititions (which is in bytes) is again
> right-shifted 6 bits.
> So why the right-shift 6 instead of 10 which would map
> with a blocksize of 1K?

Thanks for tracking this down.  I've applied a patch to Cygwin.  You
should find the corrected version in the next developers snapshot.


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
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