At 10:02 PM 10/22/2003, Arash Partow you wrote:

>Hi Ross,
>What you've just said now really baffeles me cause, the pthread-win32 page
>is being hosted by red-hat which makes cygwin:
> or is this address just a mirror
>from somewhere else?

Red Hat hosts a number of open-source projects at their
That doesn't mean that every projects uses others code.  Ross is right.  
Cygwin has it's own POSIX thread implementation.  Don't use pthread-win32
with Cygwin.    

>In any case I've obtained the cygwin version of gcc and other tool chains
>including libs etc from using the install program they
>provide. The latest version of their tool chain is "cygming special
>release" I have no idea what that exactly means but all i know is most of
>my unix code except for this threading stuff ports really well using this
>version of compiler+tool chains. I've done a google search for the term and
>mainly results releating to postings on the cygwin mailing list appear.
>this is the url:
>Arash Partow
>PS: seems like i've been barking up the wrong tree... :(

Yes, sounds like it.

Larry Hall                    
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