> From: Linda W.
> Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2003 12:49 AM

> >>Perhaps it is unavoidable, but I see things like find doing 2
> >>'opens' /file when it is searching for files...can't it just do a
> >>'stat' of some nature?  does it need to do an open, let alone 2?

 I believe that the major culprit is looking for executable files. If I have
understood things correctly.

$ mount -h | grep exe
  -x, --executable      treat all files under mount point as executables
  -E, --no-executable   treat all files under mount point as
  -X, --cygwin-executable   treat all files under mount point as
                            cygwin executables

I've not tried this, but anyway: I wonder what happens if one uses the

        umount /blaha
        mount -E / -X  / -x "MS-PATH" /blaha
        find /blaha ...
        umount /blaha
        mount -bs "MS-PATH" /blaha

I'd suspect there could be a "slight" time reduction. Of course this cannot
be done on subdirectories, just mount points.

 OTOH it might enlighten users about the benefit of using the -E/X/x mount
flags. Also; having done "mount -E" could well be considered a security
issue... maybe ;-P

/Hannu E K Nevalainen, B.Sc. EE - 59?16.37'N, 17?12.60'E
-- printf("Timezone: %s\n", (DST)?"UTC+02":"UTC+01"); --

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