Name: Khin Myint Lwin E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Yangoon (Myanmar) Dear Sir/Madam,
I apologize for the unexpected nature of this mail. I got your e-mail address from the Thailand intercontinental peace group. I am Khin Myint Lwin, 55, Chinese/Burmese, and the leader of the Myanmar Kyone Yeom Group headquartered in Mong Yawn, Myanmar. We engage in Real Estate, food processing and the transportation of Chinese, Thai and Burmese migrant workers to destinations around the globe. I am writing you from my Yangoon home where I await my appeal case against a 37 years jail sentence I received for alleged human trafficking, illegal sale of gold and running a prostitution ring. I am currently under house arrest. My appeal hearing is set for January 2004. These are all trumped-up charges. One of my boats carrying migrant workers to Singapore last year was hit by waves and sank killing 87 passengers. It was an accident but the government used this to arrest me because they suspected me of funding the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA), a rebel movement fighting for the rights of the Karen ethnic group in Myanmar. The government has also seized most of my assets valued at nearly one Billion dollars ($973,000,000.00) in Myanmar, Thailand and China. My wife and three daughters (8,12,14) are now staying with my mother in-law in Mandalay. They now face a severe disruption in their livelihood and the education of my daughters is in jeopardy. This feels me with so much pain. My wife and daughters are my main concern right now. I have a cash account deposit I made in the Netherlands, which the Burmese government didn't know about. When I liquidated my flower and electronic companies in the Netherlands in 2002, I deposited the proceeds of Twenty-one million dollars ($21,000,000.00) in a securities firm in the Netherlands while I was negotiating the take-over of a telecom company in Germany. Right now, I need this money so I could get the best lawyer for my appeal case coming up in January 2004 and most of all get my family out of Myanmar to a safer country. They face constant harassment from government agents. I need your assistance to get some of this money through to my wife and daughters who are in Mandalay. Your responsibility will be to assume the new ownership of the money. Transfer this money into your own account for safety first. You will keep 20% for your efforts. You will then send my share in bits as I direct you to my mother-in-law or my wife in Myanmar. This will enable my family to leave Myanmar. I can also get the best lawyer and lobby power and most possibly be free soonest. If you decide to help me, what you have to do is send me your full Name, Address, Date of Birth, and Nationality. Use the e-mail address above. I will contact the securities company in the Netherlands and have the ownership changed to yours. I can do this online and via email. Luckily, I can monitor the status of my deposit via the Internet with my login info. Since I don't have my freedom right, I shall source for a lawyer in the Netherlands to cordinate the transaction with you. When all is done, the company will contact you about your new status. They will tell you what to do. Most of their transactions can also be done online. After that, you carry out the directives as explained above. If you do this, I will be personally grateful to you in many ways. Not only in the 20% of ($21M) reward you will get, but also when I am free, as I know I will soon, I will show you what it means to do me a favor. If you can't, or decide not to, I will understand. Thanks for your attention anyhow. Khin Myint Lwin
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