Bill McCormick wrote:
> Did you run mkpasswd and mkgroup after the user name changes?

No, I hadn't; thanks for the suggestion, but I'm still unable to do certain

I ran
    mkpasswd -l > /etc/passwd
(as suggested by the man page for mkpasswd), and
    mkgroup -l > /etc/group
(also as per the man page for mkgroup--should it instead be 'mkgroup -lu'?)

I get what looks to me like a very strange behavior:

/> mkdir mnt
/> ls -l
drwxrwxrwx+   2 maxwellN None            0 Oct  2 12:53 mnt/

My username is 'maxwellNoDomain'; I'm assuming (hoping) that 'ls' just can't
fit all that in.  But shouldn't there be a group name, rather than 'None'?

And I still get the behavior

    /> mkdir tmp
    mkdir: cannot create directory `tmp': No such file or directory

(and indeed, 'tmp' is not visible).  But what does "no such directory" mean?
mkdir is supposed to create one precisely if it doesn't already exist, isn't

Or is the problem really something to do with the root dir '/'? (and the
error msg is bogus):
    /cygdrive/c> ls -l
   drwxrwxrwx+  11 Administ ????????     4096 Oct  2 12:53 cygwin/

Everyone is supposed to have write permission, but the group looks bogus.  I
tried chown, but don't have permission to do that.

If I do re-install cygwin, how can I ensure that I re-install all the same
apps?  (Where does it keep its db of what I want?)
    Mike Maxwell
    Linguistic Data Consortium
    NomaxwellSpam at ldc dot upenn dot edu

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