This all started when I had trouble installing Apache/PHP (see earlier posts Re: Apache/PHP installation puzzle). As this problem is a bit more general I thought I would start a new thread. In a nutshell, the PHP part of the installation fails without any obvious errors. In order to find out what's going on I decided to remove every vestige of Cygwin from the W2K box and re-install the minimum required to ivestigate this problem.
This is the story ..... 1. Install Cygwin with nano, apache, and mod-php4. NOTE. Install Cygwin 1.5.3- 1 because there are issues with 1.5.4-1 that prevent processes being stopped properly. 2. Start the apache server .... $ /usr/sbin/apachectl start [Tue Sep 16 14:54:56 2003] [alert] httpd: Could not determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName /usr/sbin/apachectl start: httpd started 3. Using the Windoze browser, visit http://localhost/. See the expected default Apache installation page - so far, so good. 4. Using the favourite nano editor, create the xyzzy.php script and put it in /var/www/htdocs. The script contains the simple PHP function call <?phpinfo ()?> and nothing else. 5. Visit http://localhost/xyzzy.php and the script is simply presented on the page - a clear indication that the PHP is not being translated. 6. Check out /etc/apache/httpd.conf and there is no mention of php in here. What's needed are lines of the form: LoadModule php4_module lib/apache/libphp4.dll AddModule mod_php4.c Add these and try again .... $ /usr/sbin/apachectrl start Syntax error on line 236 of /etc/apache/httpd.conf: Cannot load /usr/lib/apache/libphp4.dll into server: dlopen: Win32 error 126 /usr/sbin/apachectrl start: httpd could not be started 7. As error 126 is basically 'file not found', we'll check for the existance of the libphp4.dll. First: $ updatedb Then: $ locate libphp4 .... no trace of the DLL to be found!!! 8. Now this is interesting! $ cd /usr $ ls doc etc include info local man sbin share src ssl tmp var Note the lack of a lib directory. However... $ cd lib [EMAIL PROTECTED] /usr/lib $ ...?Que!!? How can one cd to a directory that doesn't exist. Not only that, but $ ls apache libc.a libhistory.a libxm12.a ... ... libbz2.dll.a libgmon.a And so /usr/lib exists but is partially invisible. Interestingly, Windows can't see this directory either. Hence one possible explanation of why the dll won't load. 9. Progressing further .... $ cd /usr/lib/apache $ ls libproxy.dll mod_autoindex.dll mod_imap.dll mod_setenvif.dll ... ... mod_auth_dbm.dll mod_headers.dll mod_rewrite.dll new $ ls new [EMAIL PROTECTED] /usr/lib $ No trace of the missing dll - a possible second reason why the Windows load failed. 10. Seems that something must be going wrong in the post install script too! What we'll do is manually install the package and see what's going on. Copy the .tar.bz2 file to / and then: $ bunzip2 apache-php-4.3.0-2.tar.bz2 [EMAIL PROTECTED] / $ tar -xvf apache-php-4.2.0-2.tar etc/ etc/postinstall/ etc/postinstall/ usr/ usr/doc/ usr/doc/Cygwin/ usr/doc/Cygwin/php-4.2.0-2.README usr/doc/php-4.2.0-2/ usr/doc/php-4.2.0-2/CREDITS usr/doc/php-4.2.0-2/INSTALL usr/doc/php-4.2.0-2/LICENSE usr/doc/php-4.2.0-2/NEWS usr/lib/ usr/lib/apache/ usr/lib/apache/new/ usr/lib/apache/new/libphp4.dll [EMAIL PROTECTED] / $ This unpacks everything and doesn't run the post install script. Now we'll run the post install script and see what's going on: [EMAIL PROTECTED] /etc/postinstall $ cd /etc/postinstall/ [EMAIL PROTECTED] /etc/postinstall $ ./ usage: rebase -b BaseAddress [-Vdv] [-o Offset] [-T FileList | -] Files... [EMAIL PROTECTED] /etc/postinstall $ So, it seems that either rebase is being called incorrectly or the argument list is invalid. 11. The check the argument list, add the following line to /etc/postinstall/ and re-execute it. Add... echo ${rebase_dlls} immediately following the line starting "rebase_dlls="$" Re-running gives: [EMAIL PROTECTED] /etc/postinstall $ ./ /usr/lib/apache/libphp4.dll /usr/bin/cygbz21.0.dll /usr/bin/cygcrypto.dll /usr/b in/cygintl-1.dll /usr/bin/pq.dll /usr/bin/cygxml2-2.dll /usr/bin/cygz.dll /usr/b in/cyggdbm.dll usage: rebase -b BaseAddress [-Vdv] [-o Offset] [-T FileList | -] Files... [EMAIL PROTECTED] /etc/postinstall $ Checking the list of file names we find that neither /usr/lib/apache/libphp4.dll nor /usr/bin/cygcrypto.dll exists. Looking at I'm not sure that the call to rbase is right either - but I've got to too many errors now. So there we have it - the story of trying to install Apache/PHP. I hope that I've provided enough information for the developers/maintainers to quickly come to a solution as having PHP available in a mixed Linux/Window 2K box will be very useful for development purposes. Regards, Dave -------------------------------------------------------------- Sent with "Me-Mail", Boltblue's FREE mobile messaging service. -- Unsubscribe info: Problem reports: Documentation: FAQ: