Hi Jonathan,

I found I had to write a custom /usr/sbin/init.sh script to get init to work
properly.  It seems like the sysvinit has nothing in it that actually
controls setting the runlevels during startup and shutdown.   So I installed
the script as the service instead of the init program:

cygrunsrv -I init -p /usr/sbin/init.sh -c /tmp -d 'CYGWIN init' -t auto -s
INT -o

I find about once every few days, my services stop working for now apparent
reason.  In most cases I can restart them with:
    /sbin/telinit 0;sleep 60;/sbin/telinit 3

However, occasionally, that does not work.  Then I do:
       cygrunsrv -E init
        kill -9 <each of the surviving daemons>
       cygrunsrv -S init

I suspect the main cause of the failure, is execve() does not work the same
under Windows and Unix.  For Unix, the new program invoked by the execve()
command has the same process id as the original.  For Windows, the process
ID can be different from the original.  Consequently any script that
does something like:
        echo $$ > newProgram.id
        exec newProgram
might not have the newProgram's PID in the newProgram.id file.  This raises
havoc with scripts that try to automatically stop and restart daemons.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jonathan Simms" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, August 21, 2003 4:51 AM
Subject: init and xinetd woes

> hello all,
> I've been messing around with xinetd and init and I can't seem to get them
> to play nicely together.
> I've checked the archives and have reinstalled xinetd, sysvinit,
> initscripts, etc., run the appropriate config files (overwriting existing
> /etc/*config files) and I still can't get init to start xinetd.
> /var/log/init.log is empty
> net start init produces the following output:
> INIT: version 2.84 booting
> INIT: Entering runlevel: 3
> INIT: no more processes left in this runlevel
> $ ps -e |grep init
>      2916    3432    2916        816    ?   18 04:41:05 /sbin/init
> $ ps -e |grep xinetd
> <blank>
> i tried doing "chkconfig --level 12345 xinetd on" but it seemed to have no
> effect
> $ chkconfig --list
> sshd            0:off   1:off   2:off   3:off   4:off   5:off   6:off
> xinetd          0:off   1:on    2:on    3:on    4:on    5:on    6:off
> xinetd based services:
>         chargen:        on
>         chargen-udp:    on
>         daytime:        on
>         daytime-udp:    on
>         echo:   on
>         echo-udp:       on
>         ftpd:   on
>         imap:   on
>         rexec:  on
>         rlogin: on
>         rsh:    off
>         rsync:  off
>         servers:        on
>         services:       on
>         talk:   on
>         telnet: on
>         time:   off
>         time-udp:       off
> there are no init errors in the Event Viewer > Application logs.
> if i start xinetd "/etc/rc.d/init.d/xinetd start" it starts up alright,
> as soon as i try to connect (for example, to imap) I get:
> setuid failed. Permission denied (errno=13)
> I understand this is because I'm starting the xinetd process under the
> user account and it needs to be started under the SYSTEM account in order
> setuid.
> if it makes any difference, my /var/lock/subsys dir is empty
> I've really done the best I can searching google and the archives for
> answers as to how to resolve this problem. I've spent about 3 hours trying
> to get it to work to no avail. I know this list's attitude towards the
> asking of RTFM questions, or repeating questions easily answered by
> searching the archives, but I'm really stuck with this one. Please help.
> -Jonathan Simms
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Attachment: xinetd.conf
Description: Binary data

Attachment: init.sh
Description: Binary data

Attachment: inittab
Description: Binary data

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