A lot of personal opinions below, take heed.

IMO all this applies to ALL of cygwin, (plus any other software package you
can bring up)...
 therefore it is sent to the [EMAIL PROTECTED] ML.

I'm *VERY* pedantic about:
 - how the Start menu looks (i.e. is structured)
 - uninstalling, but not entirely (i.e. leaving something behind)

 I do wish to have ALL packages of cygwin installed, though _under MY
personal control_.
The current Cygwin-XFree86 install does things "behind my back" IMO.

1. I do _not_ want the "Cygwin-XFree86" item appear right under
"Start->Programs" - I wish to have the choice of either leaving it out all
together... or putting stuff like this where _I_ want it to be (i.e. it
WON'T be where it ends up now, by default).

1b. None of the Cygwin-XFree86\* menu things work!
  YES: I'm cranky here too!
  Menu items *SHOULD NOT* REQUIRE any other steps than choosing
  that single menu-item. I here assume that one has to

2. Unistalling Cygwin-XFree86, leaves at least
    Start->Programs->Cygwin-XFree86-> [Empty]
  Please, remove ALL of what you create.

 The way to go IMO is:
Create "Start->Programs->cygwin-> [ put ALL cygwin related stuff HERE ]" (*)

Unless this happens, installing a few software-packages leads to an
"impossible" (or maybe a better word; unbearable) situation; The Start-menu
grows beyond all limits - thus making it hard to choose what to run/use.
 And believe me; I have loads of things installed. That's why I'm pedantic -
and cranky. [Strategy; ALL software appears in the Start-menu, the most used
is also in "Quick launch"]

Again: There's no smileys here because I'm _VERY_ cranky about this...
(NOTE: so; no implied rudeness)

/Hannu E K Nevalainen, B.Sc. EE Microcomputer systems - 59°14'N, 17°12'E

Might this be a "good" addition to setup.exe?

Another option for setup.exe: Allow to download, but NOT install - for
*selected* packages?


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