thank you, "tcsh -l" seems to work (but "tcsh - -i" nor "tcsh -i -" worked).
============================================================ From: "Lisbeth Kellogg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Date: 2003/07/31 Thu PM 05:07:00 EDT To: "'Damien Suttle'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject: RE: Re: how to make cygwin run under shells other than bash Did you try? tcsh -l or tcsh - -i --- Lisbeth Kellogg Office: 651-675-2610 -----Original Message----- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Damien Suttle Sent: Thursday, July 31, 2003 4:44 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: Re: how to make cygwin run under shells other than bash Sensitivity: Confidential So I changed the shell invocation line in cygwin.bat from: bash --login -i to this: tcsh -i - Then, i get the following output: true: Command not found. true: Command not found. true: Command not found. true: Command not found. true: Command not found. true: Command not found. true: Command not found. true: Command not found. true: Command not found. stty: Command not found. tput: Command not found. stty: Command not found. limit: Command not found. vesperus / % so it starts tcsh at the end, finally, but i'm in the root dir instead of my home dir (the way bash does) and i am unable to use many standard commands (e.g., ls, pwd). Does anyone know what files I need to change, where they are, and what to change them to? ============================================================ From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: 2003/07/24 Thu PM 11:46:01 EDT To: Damien Suttle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> CC: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: how to make cygwin run under shells other than bash On 24 Jul, Damien Suttle wrote: > Hi,> my favorite shell is tcsh, but cygwin always starts up in bash. > I tried playing with the cygwin.bat file, but i couldn't get it to > work. does anyone know how to reconfigure cygwin to start up in other > shells? $ mkshortcut -D -A -n "tcshw" -a '-l' /usr/bin/tcsh.exe Or just right click on the cywgin icon's properties and change the shell it runs, if you want to hack. Or change the shell for your account, in /etc/passwd I think. luke ============================================================ -- Unsubscribe info: Problem reports: Documentation: FAQ: ============================================================ ********************* Damien Suttle Brown University Box 3671 Providence, RI 02912 mobile: 401-339-5211 ********************* -- Unsubscribe info: Problem reports: Documentation: FAQ: