
How can you set up cygwin so that Windows domain usernames are being
used, rather than what I have now, which is, at the cygwin prompt:


Note that people are logging into the machine as a domain user, but as
that domain user they are administrator on their local machine. This is
(I think) why cygwin puts [EMAIL PROTECTED]> at the prompt. However,
I would like people to have a cygwin prompt which recognises their
Windows domain username as well as the permissions, so that if they go
into a directory with cygwin (for example a mapped Z drive), the windows
permissions are taken into account when commands are given at the cygwin

How can this be done? 

Any help will be greatly appreciated. 



Dr Hugo Bouckaert 
Systems and Programming Engineer 
GeoInformatics Exploration Australia P/L 
57 Havelock St 
West Perth, WA 6005 
PO Box 1675, West Perth 6872 
Ph: 61 08 9420 7400 
Fax: 61 08 9226 1299 

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