Dear Sir/Madam, We are one of the top manufacturers of portable air cooled engine in China.
In Internet we find your company's email and write to you to express our hopes of establishing the trade relations with your esteemed company. Our product range are diesel engine, petrol engine, generator, water pump, trash pump,generator & welder, power sprayer, tilling manager,etc. They are mainly small-type and convenient to move for family use or outdoor activities use, also can be widely used in agriculture, garden and other field. Details about our products please view to our website If you are interested in these products, please contact us freely by sending your e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Your early reply is highly appreciated. Eileen Huang Sales Department Better Source Asia Limited ========================================================================== 中资源公司 提供域名先注册后付款;主机先开通后收费服务, 中途可退款。特惠推荐:域名+100M主机并附送5个10M企业邮箱,每年只需350元!! 使用极星邮件群发,无须通过邮件服务器,直达对方邮箱,速度绝对一流! 下载网址:,更多免费的超酷软件等你来下……; -- Unsubscribe info: Problem reports: Documentation: FAQ: