On Sun, Jun 29, 2003 at 10:12:32AM +0100, Karsten M. Self wrote:
>on Fri, Jun 27, 2003 at 08:31:40PM +0100, Karsten M. Self ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
>> on Thu, Jun 26, 2003 at 10:55:17PM +0200, Hannu E K Nevalainen (garbage mail) 
>> ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
>> > > From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf
>> > > Of Karsten M. Self
>> > 
>> > >    - The shell.  Bash.
>> > >    - Directories.  '/' rather than '\'.  Cygwin naming conventions.
>> > >      Accessing legacy MS Windows paths.
>> > >    - Essential commands.  Likely:  ls, cd, pwd, rm, less, cat.
>> > >    - Getting help.  man, apropos.
>> > 
>> >  IIRC there is a HOWTO with a certain Linux distro (they use a Red Hat as a
>> > logo ;) that should fulfill at least part of your needs (can't remember the
>> > name right now... MSDOS-HOWTO?).
>> Useful, but not sufficiently focused.
>> Given my research and responses (both on and off list), I'll be putting
>> together something shortly at http://twiki.iwethey.org/, which the
>> Cygwin project will be free to use.
>For better or worse, started as:
>    http://twiki.iwethey.org/Main/CygwinEndUserQuickReference

Rather than throwing your efforts out there and expecting "the cygwin
project" to use them, why don't you investigate what is required to
change the actual documentation?  A getting started section could be
added to the actual documentation.

As a general rule, your efforts will have a much wider audience and will
benefit more people if you direct them towards the actual distribution
rather than putting them on a personal web page.

Please use the resources at cygwin.com rather than sending personal email.
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