Soren A wrote:

>   * yeah,  am using AS Perl, that's because this is a piece of
>     a WSH script.
>   * what I'd like to end up with is a way to context|alternate-click
>     on any filename in MSWindows Explorer and place the filename as
>     *cygwin*, not the OS, will see it, on the clipboard. Anyone
>     already had a pass at this wheel?

I was playing around with this because it seems like a handy idea.  
I use Cywin perl, but the differences shouldn't be very great.  Anyway, 
I came up with the following oneliner that does what you mention above 
(passed %1 as a Windows filename, it copies the Cygwin version to the

c:\cygwin\bin\perl.exe -MWin32::Clipboard -e "my $f=quotemeta('%1'); chomp (my 
$c=qx!cygpath -u $f!); Win32::Clipboard($c);"

If you install the following registry entries, you get a context menu 
for files and directories that runs this when selected.  You should be
able to save this as a .REG file and click on it to import the entries,
you'd have to change the path to perl though.

@="&Copy Cygwin Path"

@="c:\\cygwin\\bin\\perl.exe -MWin32::Clipboard -e \"my $f=quotemeta('%1'); chomp (my 
$c=qx!cygpath -u $f!); Win32::Clipboard($c);\""

@="&Copy Cygwin path"

@="c:\\cygwin\\bin\\perl.exe -MWin32::Clipboard -e \"my $f=quotemeta('%1'); chomp (my 
$c=qx!cygpath -u $f!); Win32::Clipboard($c);\""


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