> On 18 Jun, To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>  The mirror is 1.2Gb, and I wanted to just write a copy of the install
>>  set to take home.  So my idea was to choose "download from internet",
>>  and burn that.
>>  Trouble is, that option results in a 1Mb download (I think all it does
>>  is download setup.exe).
> Fergus replied:
>> Even a "Download from Internet" will only download what you need. If your
>> machine has an up-to-date Cygwin installation then you don't need
>> and so nothing (except the current setup.ini) will be downloaded.
>> There are ways of downloading an installation set that involve
>> blinding Windows to your installed Cygwin. Not difficult. Discussed on
>> mailing list at various times ... can be more specific if you want.
>> Fergus
> Yes, please, Fergus, I would like to know.  Even knowing a Subject line
> to search for in the archive would be fine.

By far the best way to download and maintain an installation set is Michael
Chase's clean_setup.



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