Brian Dessent wrote:

> I'm running under Win2k SP3, cygwin.dll version 1.3.22-1, CYGWIN="ntea
> tty ntsec" (the partition is NTFS), and a bunch of packages all of
> whatever the latest stable version is according to setup.exe.  I use
> plain old bash as my shell, no rxvt or X Windows or anything.

Man, why do I always think of stuff AFTER posting?

Anyway, I just remembered that I had tty set in the CYGWIN variable. 
Tried it without tty, and the problem's gone, at least in all the cases
I could think of where it was happening.

Problem is, not setting tty breaks some stuff.  For example, pico (^C
doesn't work.)  I'm sure there are other curses things that don't work
right either.

So, does it make any more sense to anyone now?


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