Thanks for responding Larry,

I actually had tried most permutations of (no)ntsec, (no)smbntsec, (no)ntea,
etc... and on other machines that didn't have weird path or passwd
entries. -- no dice

I think I may have a good hint as to what is going on,  but I'll need
someone who knows the system better than I to figure out the solution.

By the way I have around 300 machines here,  and I found one which is
running cygwin1.3.2 and which works fine.  This leads me to think that it is
something to do with the hosts.equiv functionality which I believe was non
functional before at 1.3.2 ( at least I didn't use it here).  I found
machine that if I : forced the user to use a password and I set some
permutations of the permissions...  it then works:  example:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/dobrin> rsh gable3
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/dobrin> echo $CYGWIN
ntea nontsec smbntsec
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/dobrin> cd //matilda/dist
//matilda/dist: Permission denied.

BUT,  If I force a passwd entry:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/dobrin> rsh gable3 -l poo
Login incorrect
login: dobrin
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/dobrin> echo $CYGWIN
ntea nontsec smbntsec
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/dobrin> cd //matilda/dist
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/matilda/dist>

Unfortunately I don't really think of this as a good solution ,  and it
doesn't appear to work with my default $CYGWIN setup.
Does this help at all?

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Larry Hall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Bruce Dobrin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, May 29, 2003 7:14 PM
Subject: Re: NTsec permissions issue over inet

> Bruce Dobrin wrote:
> > Here are the Cygcheck,  and Group files,  I'll include the my (typical)
> > passwd entry as we have a ( legitimate) policy against publishing our
> > id's ( I know it doesn't include encrypted passwd's, but with 650
> > but I'd like to reduce the fodder for someone's foreach loop thru a
> > program).
> >
> >
> > representative passwd entries:
> >
> > SYSTEM:*:18:544:,S-1-5-18::
> > Administrators:*:544:544:,S-1-5-32-544::
> >
> > 21-501104424-1911818820-14498641-1014:/home/dobrin:/bin/bash
> >
> >
> > Thanks
> > Bruce Dobrin
> Partial passwd entries is fine.  What you provided is adequate.
> The basics look OK.  I find two things in common between your information
> and Steve's:
>    1. You both appear to have a strange entry in your path.  I'm not
>       sure if it's some weird artifact of cygcheck or if it's actually
>       in the path.  In yours, you have a directory that looks like this:
>       "c
>       C:\cygwin\program_files\diskaccess\bin"
>       Steve's is just "c".
>    2. You both have a carriage return as the last character in either
>       your passwd or group files.
> Neither of these are clearly related to this issue but should be
> investigated and cleaned up.  Also, neither of you set 'smbntsec'
> in your CYGWIN environment variable (before starting Cygwin or any of
> it's services).  Please do, just so we can rule this out as an issue.
> Also, since you both claim that this used to work, please try removing
> 'ntsec' and 'smbntsec' and/or adding 'nontsec' to your CYGWIN environment
> variable (before starting Cygwin or any of it's services).  This should
> help pinpoint whether turning 'ntsec' on by default in recent releases
> has any bearing.
> -- 
> Larry Hall                    
> RFK Partners, Inc.                      (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
> 838 Washington Street                   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
> Holliston, MA 01746

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