On Mon, 31 Mar 2003 18:24:50 -0500 (EST)
Igor Pechtchanski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Mon, 31 Mar 2003, Peter Davis wrote:
> > I recently switched from Windows NT4 and Windows 2000 to Windows XP.  I
> > installed cygwin freshly on both systems.  Now I'm noticing that on both
> > systems, .bashrc seems to be completely ignored.  I haven't changed this
> > file at all, but suddenly the aliases I define and export are not
> > defined when I try to type them at the shell prompt.
> > If I do
> >         source ~/.bashrc
> > it works without error, but the aliases are *still* not defined.  I
> > noticed by running 'cygcheck -s' that the new systems seem to have DLL
> > build 1.3.22 (3/18/2003), while the older ones were running build 1.3.20
> > (2/18/2003).  However, nothing else has changed.  This used to work, but
> > now doesn't.
> > Any clues?
> Two questions: is bash invoked with a --login option, 

Checking cygwin.bat, it appears that it is.  I thought this file was
created with some default settings.  Has that changed recently?

> and is ~/.bashrc
> readable by the user you invoke bash as?

Seems to be.  I can 'less' it.

>  If bash is invoked with --login,
> the file executed is .bash_profile, not .bashrc.  I solve this by making
> .bash_profile a symlink to .bashrc.

Ok.  Makes sense.  But shouldn't explicitly source'ing the .bashrc
file get this to work?

> P.S. On an unrelated note, the use of shell functions is recommended over
> the use of aliases.

Thanks.  I basically only run bash long enough to get mutt started.  I
should learn more about it.  I'm more familiar with tcsh, but I
haven't figured out why that takes forever to start on my system.
Something in my legacy .tchsrc file, no doubt.



                             Peter Davis
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