This is my last message on this thread.  No, really.  Most responders
so far have essentially been sticking their fingers in their ears and
yelling "NAH NAH NAH I CAN'T HEAR YOU".  I am not sure where people
learned this forensic technique, but it does make it pretty obvious
who has the stronger argument.
"Gary R. Van Sickle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Patrick J. LoPresti wrote:
> [snip, yeah I'll bite]
> > My main point is that an engineer has as much business interpreting
> > law as a salesperson has telling an engineer how to design a system.
> >
> PFHHT<carbonated beverage shoots out nose>!
> Never had an engineering job, huh?

Wow, you folks really have an amazing capacity to miss the point.  I
was trying to make an analogy that you would actually understand.

Of course I have had an engineering job.  And in my experience, people
who know nothing about engineering are only too eager to tell me how
to design.  Such people THINK they know enough to have an opinion,
just like engineers think they know enough to have an opinion about

> > They include full credit and links to the Cygwin source code,
> > which is mirrored on dozens of sites.  This may not comply with the
> > letter of the GPL, but it surely complies with the spirit, so why not
> > leave them alone?
> >
> It of course complies with neither the letter nor the spirit.

The goal of the GPL is to give everyone access to the source code as
well as the binaries.  A link to a well-mirrored distribution achieves
that, clearly in spirit and arguably in letter.  And boy, would I love
to see that court case.  Hey, that gives me an idea!

> Neither does crying about clear contractual obligations, but here we
> are.

Do I sound like I am crying?  I am simply suggesting you leave people
alone who are doing no harm.  I do not care if you ignore me, as long
as THEY ignore YOU.

Oh, I almost forgot.  Here is my idea.  I can create a binary-only
Cygwin mirror and keep it up until a court orders me to stop.  But I
only want to bother if the jerks will focus their energies on me and
lay off the "ANOTHER GPL [EMAIL PROTECTED]@!" stuff for a while.  What
are my chances?

 - Pat

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