if you want to just make a local mirror, connect to one of the mirror sites
and download it. (via ftp,rsync, http as you prefer) i keep a local mirror
for personal use with rsync on a cronjob.
 Be aware you MUST keep the directory structure though for setup to be happy
with it. thats why using setup is best.

-----Original Message-----
From: Daniel Barclay [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 19 March 2003 15:55
Cc: cygwin cygwin
Subject: Re: Installing cygwin NOT from web

Max Bowsher wrote:
> Charles D. Russell wrote:
> ...
>>1) setup.exe is really designed to work best for direct installation
>>from the web, so do that first on some computer with an internet
>>connection. 2) when you install from the web, copies of all the
>>downloaded files - including setup.exe - are retained in a directory
>>that you can specify. After completing the installation, if you burn
>>that directory to a CD, you have everything you need to reinstall to
>>that or another computer.
> Mostly right - but there is no need to actually install Cygwin on your
> downloading computer.

But why do you have to be running Windows to _download_ CygWin?

Why can't you download the files using any FTP/HTTP client and operating
system you want, transfer the files (or otherwise make them visible) to a
Windows system, and only then use setup.exe to install the files from the
Windows-visible directory?

One might want to download once to a local mirror and then install on
multiple machines.

In my case,  I dual-boot Linux and Windows, running Linux most of the time,
and have a slow network connection.  I would want to download to a local
mirror in the background (while doing whatever else I'm doing while booted
in Linux), and then boot into Windows to install.

Organizations that provide network installers usually also provide
downloadable versions (witness Netscape, Mozilla (I think), Microsoft
service packs, Debian GNU/Linux).  Could Cygwin follow suit sometime?


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