My question is about: GNU gdb 2003-01-28-cvs (cygwin-special)
invoked by M-x gdb inside: GNU Emacs 21.2.1 (i386-msvc-nt5.0.2195) of
2002-03-20 on buffy
running on: 2003/02/10 10:23:35 Starting cygwin install, version
on a system I will refer to as: Mirkosfot Windogs 2000 5.00.2195
that I am being compelled to use by: <nameless>

I consulted first and that page recommended
I contact the distributor (Cygwin) first, so here I am...

Briefly, when I run gdb under an Emacs M-x shell, it is able to display a
source line
correctly when it stops at a breakpoint.  However, when I invoke gdb with
M-x gdb,
hoping to see Emacs automatically visit source files under the direction of
 gdb as I
debug, a new, blank buffer is opened because the source file, foo.c, does
not exist
in the working directory, although a symlink, foo.c.lnk does.

$ cd prj/cygwin/usb/
$ ls -l main.c ../../src/usb/main.c
-rwxrwxrwx    1 Administ mkpasswd     1778 Mar 18 20:26
lrwxrwxrwx    1 kmk      mkpasswd      125 Mar  5 09:38 main.c ->

I tried using the "dir" command inside gdb to specify the actual_ source
directly in the search-path, but this made no difference.  (I am not 100%
sure I operated
the dir command correctly though.  If someone tells me that this _should_
the problem, I will try it again until I make it work for me, too.)

((By the way, for those curious exactly why I am working with this
eccentric build structure
(which works properly on Linux), it's because I have an aversion to
building directly into
my source directories.  My build tree is separate, with structure mirroring
 that of the source
directory.  The only way I have been able to make make work to do all the
many things I
want, with source and target files in separate directories, has been to
symlink all the source
files into the build tree when the latter is created.))

I would appreciate any/all advice, and am specifically interested in a)
ideas to pursue for a
work-around!!, b) whether this is thought to be an Emacs/Gnu/Cygwin-symlink
that might be worth rectifying in the future?


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