Gerrit P. Haase wrote:
> My workaround for setup.exe's behaviour is:
>    build & install perl-5.8 yourself from source.
How about simply explaining that setups default behavior (for the less 
adventurous and experienced) has always been to keep your packages at Current 
(the recommended version).  Therefore in an attempt to accomplish this it will 
try to downgrade to 5.6 which is current.  If you wish to stay at the test 
version simply change the status to keep.  
Granted it would be nice if I had previously elected to install a test version 
that setup accept this decision and leave that version installed, but until the 
bug is fixed and to keep folks from attempting to circumvent Setup and creating 
more issues - the above might be a better response that circumventing setup or 
building their own.


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