CYGWIN_NT-5.0 alpha 1.3.20(0.73/3/2) 2003-02-08 12:10 i686 unknown unknown Cygwin

Emacs 21.2-12

I have set CYGWIN to "tty nontsec", if it matters.

When I start `emacs -q -nw' from a Win32 console, I see these

* Meta-Control-K does nothing.  For example, I type <F1> c M-C-k,
  expecting to see something in the mode line that tells me what that
  key does ... instead I see "Describe key briefly: ", implying that,
  after I typed <F1> c, Emacs hasn't even "heard" me hit a key at all.

  The meta key is not completely broken, however; Emacs hears M-< as
  ESC-<, which is fine; in fact that's better than some GNU/Linux

* Emacs hears Control-SPC as SPC.

* control-H erases the previous character, but I expected it to run
  help-for-help (like the startup screen said it would).  This isn't
  too serious, since erasing the previous character is reasonable,
  and help-for-help is on <F1> <F1>.

Under rxvt, Emacs hears Control-SPC as C-@, which is fine with me,
but the other problems are still there.

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