At 11:35 PM 3/3/2003 -0000, Max Bowsher wrote:
>Yes, please explain. Cygwin contains many packages the average user will
>never want. Why would anyone download an .iso, when they can fetch just what
>they need? And if someone wants a CD, to install on a non-connected
>computer, they can just burn their download directory.
>In short, I think you would be wasting your time, and making life more
>difficult for those who found your .iso before finding out about Cygwin
>setup installation.
I hand out Cygwin CDs all the time at LUG meetings, Web meetings, and at
non-profit meetings (churches, school boards, community computer centers)
in my local area.  On that CD is not just Cygwin, but also the OpenCD
project, Apache 2.x, MySQL, CDex, and other OpenSource software for
Windows.  It's a nice little package for those not familiar with OpenSource
or do not have a fast 'net connection.

- Robert

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