On Mon, 3 Mar 2003 18:01:19 -0500 (EST), "Igor Pechtchanski
> > it seems my mail client always compresses my attachemnts, and I can't do
> > anything about it, and the maillist spam-filters block my compressed
> > version, and the maillist won't accept my 'I am not a spammer mail' so I
> > guess i can't send the strace output.
> <http://sources.redhat.com/lists.html#rbl-sucks>

I have read that before, tried using the global-allow thing, and am
subscribed to the list, 
yet still it refuses to let me send my attachemnt.  Oh well, i will try
some other things I guess.

> Well, you could try following the instructions at
> <http://cygwin.com/bugs.html> and sending your cygcheck output as an
> uncompressed attachment (read the above link first)...

Okay, I will do this.

> What mail client do you use?  It's very likely someone on the list uses
> the same one and will tell you how to turn off compression for text
> attachments...

I am using fastmail.fm (web-based email) as my client at the moment.  i
use kmail to send the next mail, as I know I can specify the attachment 
type with it.  I just can't access my home computer at the moment.

Thank you for your help.

  Geoffrey Hausheer

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